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Developer tools FAQs

In this section we address some common questions that developers may have.

How can i limit a query to transactions sent from a specific address?

You can also filter based on the RPC API query using the following:

terpd query txs --events 'wasm._contract_address=<contract-address>&message.sender=<address>

You can also filter based on the RPC API query using the following:<address>ANDmessage.action=/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgInstantiateContract&order_by=desc 

How can I query the bank module and filter for a particular action type?

You can use the events flag and filter events based on various actions, for example:

terpd query txs --events 'message.action=/' --node

How can I convert an address from one network to another?

You can get a network address from an address of a different network via Javascript using the CosmosJS library @cosmjs/encoding which you can find inside the cosmjs. The following code snippet shows how to convert from a JUNO address to Terp:

import { fromBech32, toBech32 } from ""@cosmjs/encoding""

const { data } = fromBech32('juno1xxxyyy...')
const terpAddress = toBech32('terp', data)"

if you want to convert an public address manually, you can use the terpd cli like this:

terpd debug bech32-convert <address> terp
terpd debug bech32-convert [bech32 string] [flags]

-h, --help help for bech32-convert
-p, --prefix string Bech32 Prefix to encode to (default "terp")

Global Flags:
--home string directory for config and data (default "/Users/returniflost/.terp")
--log_format string The logging format (json|plain) (default "plain")
--log_level string The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default "info")
--trace print out full stack trace on errors

How can I query paginated data?

To query paginated data, append the --page 1 flag to the command for the page you required, where 1 in this example signifies the first page. By default 100 records are returned per page.

How can I output data in JSON format?

To output data in a JSON format, you can append the --output "json" flag to the command.