Building on Terp Network requires a general focus on the following:
Smart Contracts - programmable instances that usually handle important functions, to guarantee the results of actions that happen for a specific use-case. CosmWasm is the smart contract framework currently use on Terp.
User Interface Frameworks - This is not required for interacting with smart contracts, however to improve the experience for yourself or others usecase, energy may want to be put in to configure a UI (user interface) that interacts with your custom smart contracts.
IBC Protocol Workflow - builds a cross-chain systems in order to tap into liquidity, features, or collaborate with other communities.
Middleware & Indexer Services - may help power & optimize various computational & redundant processes a UI needs, such as batch queries, & contract state retrieval.
Continuous Integration Workflows
UI/Dapp Template
Smart Contract
- my-first-cosmwasm - Learn how to build your first cosmwasm smart contract