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Deploying a contract

Terp Network testnet is permissionless and does not require a governance proposal to deploy new contracts. You may use an interface or the CLI to deploy new contracts.

Deploying a contract through CLI

1. Create a terp address

terpd keys add testnet-key 

2. Request funds through the faucet<address>

3. Configure RPC endpoint & Chain ID

terpd config node https:://
terpd config chain-id 90u-4

4. Check your account has balance

terpd q bank balances [address]

5. Deploy a contract

terpd tx wasm store contract.wasm --from testnet-key --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --fees 5000000uthiol

6. Collect the new Code ID

After executing the transaction you will have a code id that you can use to instantiate the contract

terpd q tx [hash] | jq 

# or use sed to return just the code_id

terpd q tx [hash] | sed -n 's/.*"key":"code_id","value":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'