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Monitoring validators

There is a Grafana dashboard that is compatible with all the cosmos-sdk and tendermint based blockchains.

Let's set it up for our network.


First install Grafana and Prometheus on your machine.

Enable tendermint metrics

You will need to edit the node's config/config.toml file, setting prometheus to true:

sed -i 's/prometheus = false/prometheus = true/g' \ 

In order for the change to take effect you will need to restart the node. You should be able to access the tendermint metrics which defaults to port 26660: http://localhost:26660

Configure prometheus targets

Find prometheus.yml file and append the following job under the scrape_configs:


On linux machines this file can be found under this path: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

- job_name: terp
- targets: ['localhost:26660']
instance: validator

Resolving port conflicts

When both terpd and prometheus are running on the same machine, one of the service will encounter a port conflict, causing it to be unable to execute. Do the following to resolve this issue.

Open the node's config/app.toml file and look for:

address = ""

Change the port to something else:

address = ""

Restart prometheus and terpd

Restart terpd using the followng:

sudo systemctl stop terpd
sudo systemctl start terpd

The you can restart prometheus:

sudo service prometheus restart

Adding a prometheus service file (Optional)

A service file can be used to allow for the automatic restart of the service, helping to make sure that your node is always monitored.

You can create a service file with:

nano /etc/systemd/system/prometheus_s.service

Add the following content to the file:

ExecStart=/home/$USER/prometheus/prometheus \
--config.file /home/$USER/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
--storage.tsdb.path /home/$USER/prometheus/ \
--web.console.templates=/home/$USER/prometheus/consoles \

You can then reload the systemctl daemon:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload