📄️ Authz
Allows granting arbitrary privileges from one account (the granter) to another account (the grantee).
📄️ Bank
Bank module allows you to manage assets for accounts loaded into the local keys module
📄️ Debug
Tools for helping debug your application
📄️ Distribution
The distribution module allows you to manage your staking rewards
📄️ Export
Export a state to a json file.
📄️ Feegrant
Grant and revoke fee allowance for a grantee by a granter
📄️ Feeshare
Share contract execution fees with smart contract developers.
📄️ Global Fee
Set a minimum global fee via governance param for different tokens.
📄️ Gov
The `gov` module enables on-chain governance which allows Terp token holders to participate in a community led decision-making process. For example, users can:
📄️ Group
Creation and management of on-chain multisig accounts and enables voting for message execution based on configurable decision policies.
📄️ IBC Hooks
Allows incoming token transfers to call a function on any smart contract
📄️ Keys
The keys module allows you to manage your local tendermint keystore ("wallets") for the terp network.
📄️ NFT
Create NFTs, transfer NFT's, update NFT's, support various queries. Fully compatible with ERC721 specifications.
📄️ Packet-Forward-Middleware
Allows complex, multi-chain transfers with 1 tx.
📄️ Params
Params module allows you to query the system parameters which can be governed (except the gov params) by the gov module.
📄️ Rosetta
Coinbase API
📄️ Slashing
The slashing module can unjail your validator
📄️ Staking
The staking module provides a set of subcommands to query the staking state and send staking transactions.