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Working With Docker

There are multiple ways to use Terp-Core with Docker. If you want to run Terp-Core inside a Docker setup and possibly connect the Docker container to other containerized compatible blockchain binaries, check out the guide on building a Docker image containing the Terp binary. If you instead want to generate a binary for use outside of Docker, but want to ensure the correct dependencies are used by building the binary inside a Docker container, then go ahead to the section on building the Terp-Core binary with Docker.


General Setup

In order to build Terp-Core binaries with Heighliner, it is necessary to

  • Have go installed.
  • Clone the heighliner repository to your local machine (e.g. git clone
  • Checkout the commit, branch, or release tag you want to build for Terp Network (e.g. terpnetwork/barberry)

Building A Docker Image

Install Heighliner

go download

Build a docker image & save it locally

./heighliner build -c terpnetwork --git-ref v4.2.2

This will create an image with the name terpnetwork/terp-core and the version tag v4.2.2. Now it is possible to run the terpd binary in the container, e.g. evaluating its version:

docker run -it --rm terpnetwork/terp-core:v4.2.2 terpd version


Now that you have built the terp-core binary, either for local use or in a Docker container, you'll find information to run a node instance in the following section on setting up a local network.