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Setting Up Your CosmWasm Development Environment

You will need to have installed rust & cargo (via rustup) in order to start building your cosmwasm code with the default template generator.

Install cargo-generate and cargo-run-script. Unless you did that before, run this line now:

cargo install cargo-generate --features vendored-openssl
cargo install cargo-run-script

Now, use it to create your new contract. Go to the folder in which you want to place it and run:


cargo generate --git --name PROJECT_NAME

For cloning minimal code repo:

cargo generate --git --name PROJECT_NAME -d minimal=true

You will now have a new folder called PROJECT_NAME (I hope you changed that to something else) containing a simple working contract and build system that you can customize.

Create a Repo

After generating, you have a initialized local git repo, but no commits, and no remote. Go to a server (eg. github) and create a new upstream repo (called YOUR-GIT-URL below). Then run the following:

# this is needed to create a valid Cargo.lock file (see below)
cargo check
git branch -M main
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial Commit'
git remote add origin YOUR-GIT-URL
git push -u origin main