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Deploying A CosmWasm Contract

The following is detailed guide that shows the basics of manually deploying a contract to a Terp Network local environment.

Deploy contract

In the Compile Contract page, we generated a wasm binary executable. You can upload the code to the blockchain, and once the process is complete, you can download the bytecode for verification purposes.

Deploy using terpd

Now you will store the wasm bytecode of the cw_counter contract on chain and obtain the code id. This code id will be used later to create an instance of the cw_counter contract.

terpd tx wasm store contract.wasm --from testnet-key --gas-prices 0.025uthiolx --gas-adjustment 1.7 --gas auto

The following is an easier way to get the Code Id from the response:

terpd q tx [hash] | jq 
# or use sed to return just the code_id
terpd q tx [hash] | sed -n 's/.*"key":"code_id","value":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p'
# or check the block explorer[hash]

You can see the list of contracts instantiated using the CODE_ID generated above by executing the following command:

terpd q wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID 

The response should be an empty list since no contracts have been instantiated yet.


Before you instantiate a contract using the Code Id and interact with it, let's verify if the code stored on the blockchain is indeed the cw_namespace.wasm binary you uploaded.

Download the wasm binary from the chain and compare it to the original one:

terpd q wasm code $CODE_ID download.wasm

The two binaries shoud be identical:

diff artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm download.wasm

If the diff command yields an empty output, this indicates that the two files being compared are identical.

Instantiating the contract

You can now create an instance of the wasm contract. After instantiation, you can make queries and execute transactions.

terpd tx wasm i <code_id_here> '{"msg_name_here":{}}' --from testnet-key

Contract Interaction

Now that the contract is instantiated, you can register a name and transfer it to another address by paying the transfer fee.

to get the contract address from the code-id tx:

terpd q tx <tx_hash> -o json | jq -r '.logs[].events[] | select(.type == "instantiate") | .attributes[] | select(.key == "_contract_address") | .value)'